Friday, January 9, 2015


We all know I love food. I love everything about food - I love to read about it (currently on The Perfectionist), watch it (Chopped FTW), talk about it (have you seen my blog???), try it, cook boss just walked by while I was pasting together the image above and said 'yo Bobby Flay, watcha got there?' and somehow I got roped into agreeing to bring in oatmeal for the office next Thursday. If there's a way for me to experience the culinary world, I'm all about it. 

I haven't always loved breakfast - my mom can attest to that. I would sometimes refuse to eat it, or (if she made me) I would pretend to eat it by taking a bite, chewing, spitting it into my napkin, and collecting enough there to pass for having eaten. (Sorry for that dirty laundry Mom.) Luckily I got over my aversion to the day's first meal and started to explore options outside of the bland 'milk and cereal.'

I was sitting down to breakfast this morning, having gone through my typical morning ritual - a workout, reading my devotions, prepping my meal, and finally eating it. I've taken a leaf out of the Daily Connoisseur's book and tried to be very intentional about eating and enjoying my meals without distraction - no phone, no book, no TV. As I sat there, eating my latest breakfast trend meal (sidenote: I get on these kicks where I'll make the same thing for breakfast for weeks and months on end and then get tired of it and find a new favorite), I had a mini-epiphany: God is good. God is SO good! I savored my bite of the omelette I had made - the sweet caramelized onions, melty gooey brie cheese, wilty spinach, and fluffy eggs coupled with the distinct *crunch* of melba-fied whole grain toast accompanied by a side of plump fresh berries - and had a brain explosion with the realization that God made these delicious and amazing foods and I get to enjoy them! How great is He to create and provide such simple pleasures???

And then another thought hit me - what a cool way for me to be able to commune with Him. I've always been passionate about food and cooking, and now I've finally made the connection and can praise my Father for making something I so thoroughly enjoy! Rereading these last couple of paragraphs, I know it sounds rather strange to say...but I had such an overwhelming sense of joy this morning as I came to these little realizations that I had to share my excitement with you!

Even if you don't love food to the same extent that I do, I hope that the next time you take a bite of your mom's lasagna or dad's bbq or grandma's cookie, you're able to savor it slowly and thoughtfully with the knowledge and praise of the One who gave it to you.

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