Saturday, April 14, 2012

Takin' it easy's a Saturday. It's 70 degrees and slightly breezy outside. Spring is in the air - there are buds on the trees, tulips are blooming, people lining up at JP Licks because it's finally warm enough to get ice cream. You've got an iced green tea in your hand, sweet tunes in your ear (Some Nights by Fun), and not a care in the world...

Yep, that was my Saturday. This week has been pretty low key, partly because I've been sick for most of it, partly because I needed to take it easy for a bit. Here are the photo highlights of the week:

I'm on Twitter (follow me here) and I get some of my favorite Tweeters texted to my phone. This account is done by a 5th grade teacher who posts the questions his students ask him. This one made me laugh out loud at work :)

On Friday I decided to try coffee from Crumbs on a coworker's recommendation. Great coffee, and I'll be back to sample the baked goods for sure

If a representative from Crumbs is reading this, please contact me if you're interested in sponsoring my blog and providing free cupcakes for life. Thanks :)

My awesomely talented coworker Cullen created this dynamic mural for the front entrance of our Boston office - how cool is that?! You can look at more of his work at his website.

These are the flowers I was talking about earlier (on my walk to my eye doctor appointment)


After my appointment, I had my own little picnic near the park in Davis Square. Sandwich from Diesel Cafe and cupcake from Kickass (it saddens me that they only do red velvet on Saturdays)

This one is called 'The Branch' (my fave)

Can you believe the weather this week??? 90 on Monday?! (Which happens to be 'Marathon Monday' - the nickname of the day of the Boston Marathon.)

The park where I had my picnic

So I rediscovered Instagram and went a little crazy... These trusty flipflops have lasted me...wait for it... 7 YEARS. Who knew a pair of shoes (let alone flipflops!) could last that long?

Old school water fountain at the park

Heading home :)

I can't get enough of all these flowers!

And latest obsession. SO. STINKIN. GOOD.

And that's all we've got - be sure to check back on Monday for 'Musings with Manny' (and you won't BELIEVE what he said this week) :)

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